



來(lái)源:http://m.bestcet.com/ 時(shí)間:2024-06-11 瀏覽量:0


Imitation stone curbstone and concrete curbstone are two completely different types of curbstone products. Their only similarity is that they both use cement as a binder.


Main differences:


1. Different main materials: The main material for ordinary concrete curbstones is ordinary fine stone or stone powder. Imitation stone roadside stones generally choose fine stones mainly composed of diopside, or pure colored black, white, and red marble fine stones with diopside powder;


2. Different processing techniques: Ordinary concrete curbstones are generally formed by vibrating plastic molds. The imitation stone curbstone is formed by pressing and filtering with a pressure machine of 800 tons or more;



3. The strength of finished products is different: the strength of ordinary concrete curbstones is generally around 20MPa, and rarely reaches 30MPa. The minimum strength of imitation stone curbstones is generally not less than 35MPa, and the strength of commonly used products is generally above 45MPa;

4、密實(shí)度不同:普通混凝土路沿石在成型過(guò)程中,由于采用石粉會(huì )產(chǎn)生大量無(wú)法排除的氣泡,其密實(shí)度較差,一般容重在2300kg/m3。仿石路沿石由于采用高壓壓濾成型工藝,其產(chǎn)品的容重接近2600kg/m3;

4. Different compactness: During the forming process of ordinary concrete curbstones, the use of stone powder will generate a large number of bubbles that cannot be eliminated, resulting in poor compactness, with a general unit weight of 2300kg/m3. Due to the use of high-pressure pressure filtration molding technology, the bulk density of the imitation stone curbstone product is close to 2600kg/m3;


5. Different appearance quality: Due to the use of plastic molds for vibration molding, the appearance of ordinary concrete curbstones is the original color of ordinary concrete, with significant dimensional errors and a large number of bubbles on the surface. Due to the use of selected raw materials, high-pressure pressure filtration molding process, and surface polishing process, the appearance of stone like pavement stone products is close to or surpasses that of ordinary marble products.


6. Durability difference: Ordinary concrete curbstones are prone to freeze-thaw damage during use due to the generation of a large number of uncontrollable bubbles during the forming process and the high water absorption rate of the product. Imitation stone roadside stone products have high density, extremely low water absorption rate, and extremely low impact of freeze-thaw damage.

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